Work Permits
Finding a job
How to Apply
Curriculum Vitae
The Curriculum Vitae (Resume)

Known in German as the Lebenslauf, the CV is often the most important part of a job application. Generally speaking, it is best to arrange your CV in tabular form, with subsections covering personal details (Angaben zur Person), schooling (Schule), higher education (Studium), professional training (Berufsausbildung), previous career experience (Berufserfahrung), language skills (Sprachkenntnisse), additional qualifications (Zusatzqualifikationen), and references from previous employers (Referenzen). Information is placed in chronological order from top to bottom, rather than the reverse order commonly used in the United States. The type of information you are expected to supply does not differ greatly from that you would give to an employer elsewhere, with the possible exception of the personal details section. It is customary to state your date and place of birth, your marital status, nationality, and even religion, though this is somewhat old-fashioned, as is the practice of some applicants just starting on a career to give the occupations of their parents. While it is normal for applicants in America to list their hobbies, memberships, etc. on their CVs, this is less common in Germany.

Click here for a German style sample CV.

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